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By Author Masooma Amjad Khokhar

The free flour programme in Punjab has not only made the underprivileged that seems disgraced, but it has also shown the true scope of the widespread poverty in the region possibly for the first time. For hours on end, thousands of people, mostly women, have endured kilometer-long lines only to get a 10kg bag of flour, which cost Rs1,156 prior to Ramadan. The police and the district administration have made an effort to keep the masses under control, but the sheer volume of people and their willingness to risk everything for free flour have proven impossible for the government to contain. Some millers from Lahore, says, "Violence at the distribution stations will not stop."

"Since poverty is a persistent condition, the [free flour distribution] plan will last for one month. While the programme is in place, everyone wants to reap the most possible benefits. Individuals who have signed up for the Benazir Income Support Programme (BISP) are aware that while there would be a delay, they will eventually receive flour. Individuals who lack registration are aware that they must take chances by causing trouble. A sociologist makes a different argument in the ensuing disarray as they arrive with a plot to cause chaos and flee with baggage. "Every day, thousands of people congregate, give up their dignity and social respect by spending hours in lines, risk facing violence that could result in their deaths, and nevertheless they take that risk. What does it say, exactly? It demonstrates to us that in each of the province's cities, hundreds of thousands of people would put a bag of free flour above anything else. This is concerning on a political and a social level. That must not be overlooked. Although poverty is real and persistent, the sheer scope of suffering that has been revealed by this flour distribution programme is shocking, according to Pakistan Workers Party leader Farooq Tariq.

Although Punjab claims to have already handed close to three million bags, the lines are becoming longer every day. From where do these folks come? Individuals like us have been warning about destitution, but the sheer magnitude of it is huge and, if ignored, can ignite our entire civilization, he cautions. "The execution flaws reveal that the scheme is weak." At this point, neither the federal government the idea's originator nor the provincial government its reluctant adopter can withdraw their support, even if they so choose. They can do nothing except continue in the hope that their position will ultimately be vindicated. The government might have cut its political, administrative, and human expenditures significantly by simply sending money to the impoverished that are registered with BISP, the author contends.

According to a comparison between the flour distribution programme and the Ehsaas Ration Program, "Ehsaas Rashan was created to prioritise consumers' dignity and provide choices, including the ability for them to visit retail businesses in their neighbourhoods throughout the month. Given their monthly subsidy cap, individuals could choose any retailer that was most convenient for them and make any number of purchases. In the meanwhile, women, the old, the frail, and the destitute are compelled to conduct risky actions. According to repeated media reports, the shoving begins as soon as the first hopefuls arrive at distribution centres early in the morning. As individuals scramble to get to trucks and bags begin to be hurled carelessly into the wave of extended hands, the jostling soon turns into fights. An ex-official of the Planning Division claims, "I am utterly at a loss when I try to grasp what the PML-N government sought to achieve with the project." There has been a lot of negative press. He shakes his head and continues, "The PML-N, which is currently serving its fourth term in office, should have known better.

SO, dear friends of don’t worry, we’ll talk much more about current affairs in the future. And as always, I’ll see you in the next blog.


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